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Mental Health comes with “Understanding” and “Accountability”

When we are discussing mental health, we need to have balanced thinking between understanding the people and asking them to take on their own responsibilities. It is crucial to recognize that a person's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are connected to their mental health since they have substantial ramifications. However, using one's own lack of responsibility to support these mental health issues might be troublesome.  We must always keep in mind that bullying people or committing harmful acts are actions that do not need to be tolerated. That’s why, whenever I hear about the topic of mental health, I always consider both awareness and individual accountability in a balanced manner. It is important to take a good rest if you have poor mental health and are under stress. You may also need to stay away from things that stress you out and refuse to accept jobs when you are not sure that you can handle them.  All in all, my belief is that anything comes with responsibility and a

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